Waste-to-Energy (WTE) is the process of transforming any type of waste product into clean electricity. WTE is an environmentally friendly and cost effective solution for waste disposal with the benefit of green power generation. It is proven worldwide to be a technologically advanced means of waste disposal that reduces greenhouse gases, generates clean energy and increases recycling efforts. For WTE, the key to success is matching the right technology to the financial objectives of the end users, accounting for specific physical, political and economic conditions.
Worldwide Technology Search
Our Innovation Group was engaged by Synergy Renewables to conduct a worldwide search of existing and emerging WTE technologies, establishing solutions applicable to a variety of geographic and political locations. After an exhaustive global analysis, and subsequent RFI process, several technologies were selected based on ten major selection criteria: operating history and readiness, feedstock (waste supply), capacity, financial performance, mass + energy balance, gas analysis, site requirements, emissions and by-products, efficiencies, and cost.
Project Development
Prosser | PRIME AE has completed numerous project feasibility studies throughout the Caribbean, North America, Central America and Italy, leading many of these projects through various stages of advanced development.
Key decision points in project feasibility and implementation include: waste characterization, electric grid infrastructure, utility rates and waste tipping fees, cost and financial feasibility, regulatory approval process, acceptable waste supply and power purchase agreements, political environment and financial ratings of the host country.