Park Street is a core street in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Jacksonville which was identified by the Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) as a roadway corridor where improvements could spur a revitalization. The existing roadway is a 4-lane facility with no auxiliary lanes with limited sidewalks within a 60 ft wide right-of-way. Prosser | PRIME AE’s design reduced the 4-lane facility down to two 10 ft lanes, one row of parking, and pedestrian zones ranging from 13 ft to 20 ft wide with landscaping, hardscape design, and street furnishings. The resultant design places priority on cyclists and pedestrians, provides shade trees, parking for adjacent businesses, improves connections to existing and planned transit facilities, and increases continuity to adjacent planned projects. This project is going into construction in early 2021.
- Open stormwater conveyance through landscape features
- Root barriers and specialized root ball anchoring system
SERVICES Landscape Architecture, Transportation Engineering, Post-Design Services
LOCATION Jacksonville, Florida