This Spanish Land Grant property has a wide variety of vegetative cover, topography, natural land features and viewsheds. PProsser | PRIME AE rosser initiated the master planning process utilizing a McHarg inspired development suitability analysis, identifying the optimum areas for various densities, infrastructure and community uses.
The master plan includes: customized neighborhood parks, community trail system, a tidal marsh protection plan, two-mile boardwalk, fishing pier, environmental and architectural guidelines, an attention to viewsheds and the mixed-use village center.
A suitability analysis identified the optimum location for the village center based on topography, low quality vegetative cover, the least environmental impact and the best programmatic location. The village center follows the traditional Mediterranean village form, serving as the heart of the community, and sited on the property’s highest topographical elevation. Offices, homes, live-work residences, retail studios and the fitness/aquatic/tennis center all combine to create a unique architectural identity.
The terminus of Main Street is the village green, inspired by the great plazas in Andalusia, Spain. The village green, with its water features and dramatic views, is directly adjacent to the Café on the Green, and is often the center for community functions.
LOCATION St. Augustine Florida, West Bank of the Tolomato River/ICW
SIZE 1,450-acres
SERVICES Planning, Engineering, Landscape Architecture & Graphics