Bird and Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Analysis
The Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) program addresses impacts associated with bird and wildlife strikes by both military and civilian aircraft. Bird and wildlife aircraft strikes cost the military over 75 million dollars per year in damages. These strikes usually happen when aircraft are flying at low-levels and can cause serious damage to the aircraft, compromise safety for those on board and impact mission capabilities of our Military.
Prosser | PRIME AE was contracted to prepare a GIS density analysis of wildlife observation data as part of the NAVFAC BASH program. The analysis was performed at 11 Naval installations in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Cuba. This analysis provides Navy CNRSE and region air operations a predictive model locating areas where wildlife may potentially interfere with aircraft in the future so management and mitigation strategies can be developed and implemented.
LOCATION 11 Locations in the Southeast, Cuba & Other Outlying Fields
SERVICES Geospatial Services and Planning