Prosser Awarded by SAME Jacksonville Post

On Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020, the SAME (Society of American Military Engineers) Jacksonville Post held a virtual meeting in which they presented their 2019-2020 annual awards. We are excited to announce that both Prosser and one of our team members, Elizabeth May, were recognized by the Board of Directors!


Prosser—Small Sustaining Member of the Year

"For their consistent support to the Post, both in attendance to meetings and the many volunteer hours; graphic content and production for monthly flyers, industry day and special event collateral; representation at Post meetings, and representation on the Post Board of Directors" - SAME Jacksonville Post.


Elizabeth May—Member of the Year

"For her outstanding leadership and attention to details that grew the Post's membership by 14% and supported continuity of operations. She increased awareness of our Post's mission across strategic partnerships and the community. She aims high and then goes beyond - as evident in her roles since joining the post in 2015 as Program Vice Chair and now Membership Chair. Starting as Programs Vice Chair, she organized speakers and topics directly related to the support of national security representing all disciplines - nearly doubling attendance at our monthly luncheons. She organized 4 annual events co-hosted with strategic partners (NDIA, WID, NCMA) held every January to kick-off the new year featuring a prominent inspirational speaker sharing Leadership experience. She served across many post committees, the National Engineering and Construction Camps committee in 2018 and the National Membership COI for the last 2 years. As Membership Director she engaged the support of our O&D and the National team to build a "best practices" program and membership drive which collectively led the post to achieving outstanding results and above all else--providing value to our members. Her support over the years led to her being selected as a previous Post Member of the Year, RVP medal recipient and recently led to her selection as the first ever recipient of the "National Membership Recruitment Champion" award. Her contributions in supporting the 2019 streamer submissions and annual report played a tremendous role in our being selected as the 2019 Large Post of the Year award" - SAME Jacksonville Post.


Prosser has been involved with SAME for over 20 years and our founder, Richard Prosser, is a member of the Academy of Fellows within the organization. To learn more about the Society of American Military Engineers, you can visit their website here.